The BAM School
Stop Slavery has always had as part of it’s charter to Launch Christ Centered Entrepreneurs. We have run discipleship schools including discipleship schools centered around business in the past but we are just about to launch our very first school in the states. One other thing that is unique about this school is that we have full scholarships to offer some students. You can find out more at The school begins on Oct 4th with the goal of helping each student have their own business that helps them further the Kingdom. to learn more
To Give By Donating Stock
You can often save a bunch of money on taxes by donating stock rather than selling a stock and donating the proceeds. If you would ike to donate by Stock you can do so by clicking here and donating the stock through the cocatalyst site. It should say donate to stop slavery and look like the picture below when you get there. Again click here to donate by stock. Thanks so much for your partnership with us. Please follow up your donation with an email to so that we make sure the gift goes to the project or missionary that you intend.
Jen’s Commencement Address to Jack’s Class 2021
Jennifer Rupp Rathmell‘s short commencement address for Jack’s drive-through graduation for the GIS class of 2021. Click on the link or video to be taken straight to where she starts.
Jen’s Commencement Address to Adrianne’s Class

Click on the picture above to hear Jen’s Address to Adrianne’s Senior Class.
Drink Cart for Nan

Nan’s Story
AT FIRST… She was lured from her Northern Thai village home and promised a job serving food in a Karaoke bar in Southern Thailand. Instead, she was forced into prostitution. She was 16 years old. Two of her traffickers were eventually convicted of their crimes.
THEN… She married a violent man who inflicted emotional and physical abuse, even while she was pregnant with their daughter. When the beatings continued and included harm to her infant daughter, Nan escaped. She did not realize at the time that the was pregnant with a second child.
NOW… She is a single mother, struggling to care for her two children (2-year old daughter and 7-month old son) as well as her ailing mother and teenage sister.
HER PLAN… Nan would like to support her family with a beverage-vending business. This would require a motorbike with a sidecar attachment and supplies. The total cost is approximately $2000-$2500 USD ($1000 for a used motorbike $1500 for a new motorbike, and $1000 for the cart and supplies). Nan feels she can be successful with such a business, as she has some experience helping a friend with a similar business. She also feels that she can deliver her daughter to nursery school on the motorbike, and keep her son with her while she works. We already have $200 given to help Nan.
If you would like to donate to this project go to and Select Nan Drink Cart Fund.
Spring/Summer Projects
Thanks so much for everyone that was involved in the Stop Slavery ride this year. This year we raised money for the following projects.
1. “Baan Duang Dao (or Molding Stars) is an after school program for at-risk kids in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The factors which place these children ‘at-risk’ include poverty, statelessness, and broken families. Each situation is different, but we strive to strengthen both individuals and families. The goal of the program is to provide education, activities, and relationships that will help guide these children into healthy adult living- free from trafficking and abuse. HUG staff members meet with the group (approximately 20 children) twice a week to study English, art, science, sports, Bible, and team-building. One Saturday per month, the kids are treated to a field trip experience or just hanging out together at the Children’s Advocacy Center. Funding needs include an additional language translator, sports equipment, and field trip expenses such as museum admission. A small investment goes a long way toward educating and encouraging these kids!”
2. 1/2 College Degree $2500 This is half the cost of tuition and living expenses for a college degree for one girl that has been rescued from a trafficking situation. This need is immediate and we would love to be able to fund half of a girl’s degree and help her get started on the right track and perhaps fund the other half of the degree next year. This will allow her to get the skills to get a higher paying job than she would otherwise be able to get.
3. Social Worker to Assist with girls involved in prosecutions $3600 This will provide the social worker costs for one year for the social workers involved in working with girls that are involved in court cases.
4. Investigative Equipment $1100 Investigative Equipment including GPS trackers, hidden cameras and recording devices, investigation expenses and stationary recording devices.
CEO Shortcut a Project of Stop Slavery
We are launching a new project of Stop Slavery this year called CEO Shortcut. We want to help Christ-Centered Entrepreneurs launch their own business to make a Kingdom difference wherever it is that the Lord is calling them. We are looking for some sponsors to help us get off the ground this first year to hire an assistant and for scholarships for students that need a little push. If you’d like to help please reach out and I’ll let you know personally what the needs are. Also, if you know of anyone that should join our program please pass it on. It is going to be life changing for those that are able to attend.
Congratulations to Boom Mosby
Congratulations to Boom Mosby for being awarded one of the Heroes for the 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report. She heads the Hug project in Chiang Mai, Thailand that some of our missionaries help to build and one of them still works with her. The last few years we have funded some of the needs for their office specifically through the Stop Slavery Bike ride on Okinawa, Japan.
Stop Slavery Ride 2017
Thanks so much to Calvary Chapel everyone who was a part of the Stop Slavery Ride and thanks heaps, Andre Trinidad, for documenting everything for us. If you would like to organize your own Stop Slavery Ride as a fundraiser/awareness building event let us know. The best numbers say there are 48.5 million slaves in the world today. I think 48.5 would be great for a Saturday morning ride event.