Making Care Packages for Free Burma Rangers

Posted by on Mar 22, 2010 in Stop Slavery Update | 5 Comments
Making Care Packages for those who are threatened, oppressed, enslaved and abused by the Burma Military Regime

Making Care Packages for the Free Burma Rangers

From right to left Kate, Jose, Anna and Akari making care packages for women and children ministered to by the Free Burma Rangers.  My family and I are getting on a plane tomorrow to take these packages to people in Thailand who will ensure the packages get to the women and children who need them most.


  1. Crystal
    April 10, 2010

    That’s so awesome! I know those women and children will be so grateful and blessed by your compassion.

  2. Shirlee Gourley
    August 9, 2010


  3. sid
    September 3, 2010

    good job guys…i’ve tried contacting free burma rangers but didn’t get a reply..lemme kno if i can help

  4. Buddy
    September 15, 2010

    Hi Sid,
    You are probably not going to hear much from them directly. We actually never even contacted them directly. A friend of mine that partners with them was our contact. Because of the nature of what they do and the political situation they don’t look for the limelight.
    If you are looking to do something with or for them I could pass off the info to my friend and see if it would be something they are looking for.

  5. Dazz
    June 2, 2011

    Hi Buddy,
    I’m trying to organize First Aid Kits from Australia for the FBR, as well as offering Military skills if ned be ( I’m Ex Australian Army and am keen to work with FBR)
    Please respond to this email if there’s any way I can help..


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