Drink Cart for Nan
Nan’s Story
AT FIRST… She was lured from her Northern Thai village home and promised a job serving food in a Karaoke bar in Southern Thailand. Instead, she was forced into prostitution. She was 16 years old. Two of her traffickers were eventually convicted of their crimes.
THEN… She married a violent man who inflicted emotional and physical abuse, even while she was pregnant with their daughter. When the beatings continued and included harm to her infant daughter, Nan escaped. She did not realize at the time that the was pregnant with a second child.
NOW… She is a single mother, struggling to care for her two children (2-year old daughter and 7-month old son) as well as her ailing mother and teenage sister.
HER PLAN… Nan would like to support her family with a beverage-vending business. This would require a motorbike with a sidecar attachment and supplies. The total cost is approximately $2000-$2500 USD ($1000 for a used motorbike $1500 for a new motorbike, and $1000 for the cart and supplies). Nan feels she can be successful with such a business, as she has some experience helping a friend with a similar business. She also feels that she can deliver her daughter to nursery school on the motorbike, and keep her son with her while she works. We already have $200 given to help Nan.
If you would like to donate to this project go to www.stopslavery.org/donate and Select Nan Drink Cart Fund.