Oki Stop Slavery Ride
People often ask what they can do to help in the fight against human trafficking. Sometimes I know them and have an idea of how they can bring value. Other times it’s hard. Many people here about the issue and want to help for about 2 days and then they are on to something else. Then there are people that just make things happen. They look for evidence of human trafficking in their own neighborhood. They take responsibility for those around them. Some jump in with both feet like Jason Migliore & Brian Layton who started the Oki Stop Slavery Ride and which Brian continues to run.
At the end of 2013 this group of guys raised over $4200 in support of Stop Slavery’s anti trafficking work and work with orphans and the poor in Cambodia. Each year the amount they raise continues to increase. Thanks so much, Brian for continuing to challenge others to live for things bigger than themselves. Having spent all but 8 years of my life connected to the U.S. military I continue to be encouraged by the heart of those who make up the U.S. Armed Forces.
Every second matters
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. – Ephesians 5:15-17 (ESV)
This week my pastor echoed the passage above by declaring every second counts. He used the following illustration to emphasize his point. The University of North Carolina quarterback spiked the football with one second left in the game. That one second allowed a Carolina field goal, tying the game and sending it into overtime. In double over-time the North Carolina Tarheels were victorious. The difference in the game was one second.
One second is huge in a persons life. I recently celebrated being 1,342,656,000 seconds old. That represents 1,342,656,000 opportunities to join God in His work. In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul writes that God wants us to make the best use of time. How do you spend your time? Do you pursue God’s work or your desires? Do you bring glory to God or yourself?
According to the Polaris Project, one person is human trafficked every 90 seconds. Nearly every 30 seconds a child is exploited by the global commercial sex trade.
I challenge you to pursue wisdom, make the best use of time, and to understand what the will of the Lord is.
Care Packages for Burmese Women & Children
(photo from FreeBurmaRangers.org)
We are going to be going to Thailand passing off care packages to the Free Burma Rangers who will be taking them to people that need them in Burma.
Care Packages for Burma
Burma is a war torn country in Southwest Asia where some of the population is killed, raped and enslaved by the military regime in power. You can help the Free Burma Rangers and their ministry by gathering the following items for kids and mothers.
For Mother and Children:
- Multivitamins (for mom)
- Pediatric vitamins (Gerber Vitamin Drops, for example)
- Cap, hand mitts and a shirt (not a one-piece). It gets very cold in the mountains of Bumra!
- A teether
- Small fingernail clippers
For Children:
- Small comb and mirror
- One box of children’s chewable vitamins
- 2 child size toothbrushes
- Fingernail clippers
- A small toy
We are taking a trip in a week to Thailand but if you would like to mail a package for us to send with a missions team that will be going later please ensure that it is shipped USPS First Class or Priority mail no later than May 15, 2010 to
Buddy Rathmell
201 Corpo Stone
13 Chatan Cho Sunabe
Okinawa, Japan 904-0111